
Spells, ceremonial magick, incantations, candle magic, conjuration’s, and invocations. They can all be used to help you through life. If you believe in the power of Magick, your magickal will can come true. So be it! We all have needs in life and Magick can help fulfill those needs. The universe can be bent to our will and it can all be achieved with spells and magick. Just be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

Simple spell casting is an acquired art and talent. It is the practice of putting thought, emotion, and desire into form and action by your own will. You will need to decide what exactly it is that you want to transpire as a result of your spell. Be  very clear and concise regarding your goals and desire. This is not a time to be vague. There are also many factors to think about when casting a spell or ritual, such as lunar phases, karmic consequences, free will, magickal items to aid as reinforcers like candles, magical properties of crystals or herbs etc.

In Wicca and to other witches, the lunar phase or moon magick is important and helps in determining the best time for magick and spell casting. There are basically two lunar phases: waxing moon (ideal time for constructive magick) and waning moon (ideal time for banishing and destructive magick, study, and meditation). In between you’ll have the dark moon (the time of greatest power for banishing and negative magick) and the full moon (the time of greatest power for positive magick).

Basically, as the moon grows, so grows the opportunity or desire for which you are working. As the moon gets smaller, so does the habit or thing you are trying to overcome or push away from you. Most witches of The Craft and pagans work around these lunar phases. Now, if your need is an immediate one and your emotion is strong enough, a spell can be performed at anytime! It just might be more successful when applying astrological correspondences.

The most important factor in doing a spell is the emotion and mindset of the person casting it. You must want the desire with every facet in your being. That is why a spell cast by yourself may work better than one cast for you by someone else. That is not to say that an experienced witch can not be successful casting for others, but hopefully you get the point. Raising your magical energy and the absolute belief in what you are doing is vital. If you are weak, tired or have doubt, the chances of your spell working are slim and none!

When you do a spell, you need to do it and forget about. Spells are like baking a cake. If you keep opening the oven door to check on it, it takes longer to bake and you could even wreck it. You should also keep it secret and not talk about it. Providing your spell has been performed correctly,  spells begin to work within a few days to a couple of weeks. It is generally advised that if results have not manifested within 4 weeks – one lunar cycle- that you re -work your spell.

Spells may fail if done incorrectly or if performed when you are distracted or under the weather. It is also vitally important to remember that the success of magick spells depend on the energy and intent put into them. So be sure that you are in good health and have a determined frame of mind when you cast your spell.

Besides not doing a spell correctly or having the right mindset, sometimes it is just fate or the will of the universe that keeps a spell from working. There can be personal karmic lessons for you to still overcome and that could also be reason a spell does not work. Many bad love spells fail for this reason. Spell casting involves trial and error. Just remember, practice makes perfect!

The main tenet of Wicca is the “Wiccan Rede” which states “And it harm none, do as ye will”.  Basically, as long as you don’t hurt anyone, anything goes.  Of course, views of what actually causes harm vary from person to person.  Most also believe that whatever magic you do will come back to you three-fold, so it pays to be careful.  Some, however, believe that it is sometimes acceptable to cause harm as long as you are willing to accept the karmic consequence. Keep in mind, “What goes around, comes around”.

Blessed Be

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Magical Name

When people enter the Wicca Religion or the pagan world of witchcraft, it is like starting your life anew. Many do so by choosing a magical name that reflects their personality or feelings. A magical name is unique to the practitioner, and there are several ways to find yours. When you find the right name, you’ll keep it for a long time. Some witches have two magical names — one which they use in public and one which is known only to the gods and members of the person’s coven. Some covens also have their own methods for this.

A popular method of finding a magical name is to choose one that corresponds with your birth number using numerology. To find your birth number, begin by adding the digits of your birth date.

For example:
A birth-date of  July 5th 1990 would be derived as follows
7+5+ 1+9+9+0=31
The 31 then becomes 3+1 =4  and 4 would represent the life number or birth number.
The same procedure can be done for one’s name.
Each letter has a number that corresponds with it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Your magical name should also add up or break down to a 4 using the same method. This could take some time and alot of thought before finding a name that works out numerically.Some witches prefer to use their given birth name and that is fine as well and is entirely up to the individual.
When considering your new name you might want to incorporate a totem animal that you have a bond with. Some people take on a magical name by adopting the name of their totem animal. Go to any Pagan gathering and you’ll find that names like Bear, Eagle, Raven, Wolf, Cat, Hawk and Dragon aren’t uncommon at all as being included in the magical name.
 Some people take their magical names from different elements of nature and the universe. There are many names possible from plants and flowers, as well as rocks, trees, stones and the solar system. The creative possibilities are endless.
When choosing your name, take your time and look for synchronizedevents or irony around you in nature. Watch for signs around you and meditate on it. Learn to feel with your heart and energy center and the universe will communicate back to you. It might even come to you in a dream.
There is no right or wrong way in choosing your name, but many feel it is important to numerically match it to your birth number. If it feels right to you, then by all means go with it.
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