Love Spells

Spells work with the Universal Laws of energy to manifest an outcome of personal will. This outcome may or may not be what is best for the spiritual karmic path that you are on. The Universe sometimes keeps balance on its own to keep us in spiritual harmony that is best for us.

Casting a spell or performing candle magick is a skill like any other. Sometimes it is as simple as practice makes perfect. The spell may work the first time or it may not. Spells can be tricky and sometimes take time before the outcome is achieved or even noticed. Spells can also backfire or cause unexpected events to occur. It is very important to be as focused and precise in what it is you desire.

Casting a love spell to get a specific person to fall in love with you is inadvisable for the simple fact that free will is involved and that opens up the door to karmic chaos! Now, that is not to say you couldn’t do a love healing spell that focuses on healing the emotional rifts or arguments between you and another loved one which could help to save a relationship. There is some gray area there and as long as free will is respected go for it. Just remember the main tenet of Wicca is the “Wiccan Rede” which states “And it harm none, do as ye will”.

The best love spell to bring someone to you is one that asks for the person that is right for you and that is seeking you as well.  Keep in mind that you may or may not have any idea who this person is, but the spiritual universe does! You might want to do some meditation or divination on what you truly need in a partner or lover. Make every effort to properly cast a love spell. Focus on a feeling of well being and the warmth that comes from having a special bond with another. Your goal and intent is to attract the right type of person to yourself, not to capture or snare a particular individual. Some will say to be precise on the qualities and characteristics that you are looking for or desire in a mate. In my opinion, it may be best to ask the universe to bring the lover or mate to you that is right for you at this time. We all have karmic lessons to learn in this life and the universe knows best which people will help us on that journey! Just an opinion of mine and the choice is entirely yours!

Blessed Be

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In Wicca and The Craft, there are eight standard holidays recognized during the year. They are as follows:

Yule: Yuletide, Winter Solstice- This is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.  The festival associated with it celebrates the birth of the new solar year.  The solstice is linked to the rebirth and renewal of the sun god, the lord.  Associated with Yule is holly, pine, evergreen, tree (Christmas tree), the gods Odin and Pan, Cedar, cinnamon, ginger, lemon, orange, sage, rosemary, Gold, green, yellow, white, red.  The Yule is also known as Day of Children, Midwinter, Mother’s Night, Saturnalia, and Christmas.

Candlemas: Imbolic – Around Feb 1 or Feb 2. This is the time to welcome spring and celebrate things that are yet to be born. It is a celebration of fertility and designates the middle of winter.  Milk was traditionally poured out upon the ground as a type of offering.

Ostara: Spring Equinox-Around mid March. The day and night are of equal length. Ostara is another celebration of spring and the festival deals with fertility, mainly of the animal kingdom and plants.  it celebrates the dead of winter and the beginning of the cycle of rebirth.  During this festival that was customary to exchange colored eggs.

Beltane: Mayday Around the first of May. It is a celebration of vitality and passion. A time for love, union and the Maypole. This holiday represents the divine union of the Lord and Lady.In the old Celtic times, young people would spend the entire night in the woods “A-Maying,” and then dance around the phallic Maypole the next morning. Older married couples were allowed to remove their wedding rings (and the restrictions they imply) for this one night. May morning is a magickal time for wild water (dew, flowing streams, and springs) which is collected and used to bathe in for beauty, or to drink for health.

Summer Solstice: Midsummer Night or Eve- Around mid to late June The longest day of the year and designates a festival of thankfulness and success. Celebrates the Sun God in all his glory.Great time to commune with sprites and faeries.

Lammas: Lughnassadh- Around early August. This festival marks the beginning of the harvest season and the middle of summer. This is a time to prepare for the fall. Great day to harvest herbs for magical use in spells.

Autumn Equinox: Mabon-Around middle to late September. The day and night are of equal length.  It is another harvest festival. This is a festival that designates the beginning of fall.  It marks the dissent of the Goddess into the underworld.

Halloween: Samhain-Around Oct 31.Samhain means “summer’s end” and marks the beginning of winter.  For most Wiccans, this is the new year anytime of reflection where the old is let go and the new is anticipated.It is also known as All Hallows Eve, Blood feast, Celtic New Year, Day of the Dead, Last Harvest, and Winters Eve. It is said that on this night the veil between the worlds is weakest. Divination can be heightened on this night as well. A great time to celebrate the dead and deceased loved ones.

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